Georgia Institute of Technology 

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. Student 

Michael is a PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta. Michael's primary research focuses are on federated learning for edge devices and homomorphic encryption applications for low-power embedded devices. 


[2024.5] [Conference] Honored by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Sharon Jones for his fellowship at the University of Washington Bothell Student Academic Showcase [link]

[2024.5] [Conference] Incarceration to Innovation - News from School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics at the University of Washington Bothell [link]

[2024.4] [Fellowship] Awarded the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) 

[2022.4] [Presentation] Independent Measurement Platform for Federated Learning Models on Android Devices - Gabriel E. Gallardo Symposium at University of Washington [poster]

[2022.3] [Article] Giving a voice to the community through excellence in machine learning research - The Daily at University of Washington [link]

[2022.1] [Article] From Prison to Purpose - News at University of Washington, Bothell [link]

[2021.12] [Award] Awarded the Mary Gates Research Scholarship - University of Washington

[2021.11] [Conference] Caring Without Sharing: A Federated Learning Crowdsensing Framework for Diversifying Representation of Cities - International Workshop on Smart Society Technologies/EAI Mobiquitous in Japan (Online) [link] [video]

[2021.10] [Conference] Android On-device Federated Learning of PyTorch Models with Flower - SACNAS National Diversity in STEM [pdf]